Sense Cleanse – Third Person

During our Kriya class, our Sadguruji His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda said “Look at yourself as a third person to understand the issues you face in your spiritual practice”.    It is a very valuable tip. Your mind gets clouded when you bring in your self, relating and reacting to issues personally, tainted with your […]

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Sense Cleanse – Personality

“I ask my PERSONALITY to step aside”! I was observing a little girl play with her dolls and dollhouse. She assigned a character and a name to her dolls – mom, dad, child, friend, teacher, doctor, and shopkeeper. What amused me was how she brought her dolls to life by transforming herself and her voice. […]

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Sense cleanse – Impress and Impressions

A little girl and her mom went for a walk. Mom was walking, but the girl was hopping and dancing, carefree in her own world – without any inhibitions. She connected with her heart and was enjoying herself. She did not care what others would think, or what impression she would create in the minds […]

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