Hari Om!
In “Visible” self resides “Invisible” self
“Visible” self relinquishes itself
“Invisible” self reveals itself
Subtle connection with the “Cosmic self”
Subtle Connection is…
- Spark or a glow in the eye when mystic or unknown things become clear
- When you understand the depth or innermost meaning of life, things/matters/yourself
- When you feel your connection with the “self” – you experience “The Aha!” moment.
Kriya Yoga Initiation and Workshop by Eminent Himalayan Kriya Yogi Sadguru Mangeshda
Direct Disciple of Mahavatar Babaji
Contact info@mangeshda.org for details
Address will be provided upon registration. Initiation is one on one basis and not on a mass scale
Our activities and courses are designed to spread our Foundation 's Motto -
"Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation" motto: Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness for World Peace!